When it comes to fishing for grayling and trout, the Lapuanjoki river is unequalled in all of South Ostrobothnia and Ostrobothnia.
The best fishing spots can be found from the national road 19 all the way to the border with Kuortane. This is the area where the Tiistenjoki and Lapua fishing associations’ joint permit applies.
The rapids of the Lapuanjoki river are perfect for fly-fishing. The best spots for this are Huhdankoski, Tampparinkoski, Lankilankoski and Hourunkoski. Topparinkoski in Tiistenjoki is also excellent, as are, in Lakaluoma, Kantokoski, Ylikoski and the fishing associations’ joint waters from Lakapuronsuu to the Virttoo weir. The river has almost eight kilometres of rapids in total in the Lapua area.
Fishing Regulations:
Because the Lapuanjoki river is a salmon stocking area, everyone over 15 years of age, including those over 65, must have a permit from their fishing association or non-residents a permit for the Lapuanjoki joint permit area in order to fish. The joint permit applies from the national road 19 to the border of Kuortane. The total allowable catch is two salmonids per day. Trout are protected in the autumn from the 1st of September to the 30th of November. The minimum catch length is 50 cm for trout without an adipose fin and 35 cm for grayling.
The Fishing Act prohibits hook and line fishing in rapids.
Permit sellers and contact details:
Tiistenjoki: Permit vending machine +358 (0)50 596 0882, Tarina Tupa +358 (0)6 437 7073
Lakaluoma: K-Extra Pohjasmäki +358 (0)6 4377430